Wednesday, May 10, 2017

About Me

My name is Erin Smith. I am getting my teaching cert in Elementary Ed and my focus is Language Arts. I enjoy many things, but the biggest one is traveling and doing backpacking trips. My fiancé, Sam and I have had the fortune of traveling far and wide and seeing the natural wonders of the world. We have hiked through Zion National Park, HOH Rainforest, Mt. Olympus, Mt. Hood, Multnomah Falls, Estes Park, Twin Peaks, Coba (largest Myan ruin), and many other remarkable landmarks.
Some activities I throughly enjoy are reading, spending time with my family and friends, hanging with my puppy, Kaiser and cooking. I am currently planning my wedding so that is taking up most of the free time I do have.

When it comes to technology I tend to feel threatened or insecure. I grew up when technology was just starting to boom. Cell phones weren't a thing until I was in High School. I think this is one reason why I feel hesitant to use technology. I am not opposed to its wonderful resources or convenience, I just haven't taken the time to appreciate all that is offered.
During my placement last semester I was at Palmer Elementary in GRPS. The budget of this school is just enough to provide each classroom with three desktops. So, throughout my experience at Palmer I did not see technology being used other than showing youtube clips for various lessons.  This is why I don't have much of a plan for incorporating technology into the classroom. I have taken classes that've made valid points of using technology with ELLs or for other differentiated instruction, but I have not seen nor experienced this in action. I am hoping this class will persuade me to take a more active approach to incorporate technology within my own classroom.

Here is a video of me hiking in Zion National Park, where Sam and I found "a little oasis," after a long 8-10 mile hike.


  1. Hey Erin, I didn't know you were engaged! That's so exciting! Hope the wedding planning isn't too stressful. I think it's really great that you want to be persuaded to use technology in lesson plans and are open to learning about its potential uses in the classroom. I really hope this class gives us lots of cool ideas! Also, I hiked Coba this past spring break, it was really awesome! And terrifyingly steep haha.

  2. Hey Erin "soon to be not Smith" Smith, great blog. It was cool reading a little more about you and your interests. It looks like you and your fiance are a couple of hiking pros. So were you surprised when you got engaged?!?! Or did you see it coming? Hopefully in your next placement you get to experience more technology with your students. Again thanks for sharing your info about you.
